MMU Flexible Learning Space

Hybrid learning describes an educational model in which students spend at least half of their time learning online and the rest of their time learning in physical classrooms.

MMU plans to establish as many as 20 hybrid classes in 2022. The Hybrid classes require an expenditure of RM35,000  to purchase Hybrid technology equipment.

Online Banking & FPX

Via our payment gateway. FPX & e-Wallets.


Donate via FPX using toyyibPay


Donate via credit/debit card




Tax exemption

Promotion below the line e.g Website and social media

Other benefit in package


Hybrid learning therefore allows learners to have more time with friends and family, and work around a routine that suits them

The ability to learn from home more frequently ultimately allows learners to save money because they will be travelling less

Hybrid learning can result in higher engagement in two ways. Firstly, students tend to be more engaged in learning when they are more in control of the process. Most of the above benefits demonstrate that students who immerse themselves in a blended learning model are significantly more in control than those subject to traditional schedules. For another, the face-to-face component ensures that learners still have the rich, multifaceted experience resulting from interaction with teachers and peer


For community it will be assisting them to save on costs such as transportation,text book,commuting time,loss of wages and many more

Community around Cyberjaya and Melaka can rent the hybrid classroom for their needs.

How Does It Work?

MMU Flexiable Learning Space
High-Tech Flexible Learning Space (HySpace & HyFlex) equipped with 100Gbps to test the effectiveness of different T&L pedagogies/modes
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Sponsorship Packages

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All donations are subject to tax exemption under subsection 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967